Boost Performance, Attract & Retain Top talent

Building Better Employee Benefits

Allow our experienced consultants to help you take care of your company’s #1 asset, your employees and fuel your success.

Partner Companies We Work With

Sucess is all about people

At FlexBEN, we bring over 25 years of dedicated expertise to the forefront of employee benefits consulting. As seasoned professionals, we understand that your employees are the heart of your business, and their well-being is paramount.

Our commitment is to tailor custom benefit solutions that align with your unique goals and challenges. We believe in caring, curious, and genuine partnerships, which have been the driving force behind our prosperity for over two decades. 

Success is all about people. We’re here to redefine your relationship with your people.

The Benefits of

Custom Employee Benefits

We provide the resources, support and tools necessary for business leaders to take care of their #1 asset, their employees.

Enhanced Employee Satisfaction

Providing comprehensive employee benefits is a proven strategy to boost overall employee satisfaction. When your team knows that their health, financial security, and well-being are a top priority for your company, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.

Employee satisfaction leads to higher retention rates, increased productivity, and a positive workplace culture.

Talent Attraction and retention

In a competitive job market, offering attractive benefits can be a game-changer. It not only helps you attract high-quality candidates but also motivates your current employees.

Talented professionals are more likely to join and stay with companies that provide robust benefits packages, including health insurance, retirement plans, and wellness programs. This advantage can significantly impact your ability to build a skilled and stable workforce.

Employee Health and well-being

Employee benefits go beyond compensation; they directly impact the health and well-being of your team. Access to quality healthcare, wellness programs, and mental health support can lead to healthier and happier employees.
A healthy workforce is more productive, takes fewer sick days, and is better equipped to handle workplace challenges. By creating a positive work environment, you can change your employees’ day-to-day lives and reimagine the trajectory of your organization.

Who can benefit from our services?

Our employee benefits consulting services are designed to meet the unique needs of a wide range of companies, regardless of size or industry. 


(Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
We've worked with multiple small and medium-sized businesses, providing tailored benefit solutions that fit their budget and workforce.

Startups Companies

As you build the foundation of your company, offering competitive employee benefits can help you attract top talent and establish a strong workplace culture from the start.

Manufacturing Busniess

We understand the unique challenges of the manufacturing sector. Our solutions can address the diverse needs of your workforce, from factory floor to management.

Construction and Trade

For businesses in the construction and trades sector, safety and well-being are paramount. Our benefit packages can ensure that your team is protected on and off the job site.

Retail and hospitality

These industries often have a diverse workforce with unique needs. Our benefit plans can cater to both part-time and full-time employees, enhancing staff satisfaction.

Nonprofit Companies

Nonprofit organizations often face budget constraints. Our cost-effective benefit solutions ensure that you can offer valuable perks to your dedicated team without overspending.

A Word from Our Satisfied Clients

Discover how custom employee benefits transformed their businesses.

FlexBEN simplified our benefits administration, saving us time and resources. Their commitment to our success is unmatched. Exceptional service!

Emily Shrider HR Manager

FlexBEN's creative approach to benefits planning exceeded our expectations. Our team is healthier, happier, and more productive. Kudos to their team!

Michael Carter CEO

What to expect from our services

Optimizing Employee Benefits

Driving Business success

Our Process

Discovery & Assessment
In this initial phase, we get to know your business inside and out. We assess your current benefit plans, understand your unique goals, and identify any pain points. This stage is all about gathering essential information to tailor solutions to your specific needs.
Custom Solution Design

Armed with the insights from the discovery phase, we design a custom benefit solution that aligns with your objectives. Our experienced consultants craft a comprehensive plan that addresses your workforce’s well-being and ensures regulatory compliance. We’ll present these solutions to you for review and refinement.

Implementation & Execution

Once you’re satisfied with the tailored benefit plan, we move on to implementation. Our team takes care of all the necessary paperwork, ensures a smooth transition, and provides ongoing support during the process. We work closely with your HR team to ensure a seamless rollout.

Ongoing Management & Optimization

We don’t stop once the benefit plans are in place. We believe in continuous improvement. Our consultants stay by your side, monitoring the performance of your benefits, tracking employee satisfaction, and making adjustments as needed. We’re here to ensure your benefits remain an effective tool aligned with your evolving business goals.

Exclusive advisors since 1995

Chambers of commerce group insurance plan

The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan has been protecting Canadian firms for over 40 years. From Victoria to St. John’s, over 25,000 small to medium-sized businesses use the Chambers Plan to protect their employees with comprehensive group benefits including dental and health insurance – making it Canada’s #1 employee benefits plan for small business.


Employee benefits are vital for attracting and retaining top talent, enhancing job satisfaction, and promoting a healthy, motivated workforce. They also contribute to a positive company culture and can improve overall productivity.

Our approach revolves around understanding your unique business, values, and goals, ensuring that your employees' well-being is at the forefront. With us, you'll have access to the resources and support needed to create a healthier, more motivated workforce.


Our consulting services cover employee health and dental benefits, group retirement solutions, and mental health & wellness incentive programs.

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Begin by filling our contact form or emailing us at info@flexben.ca


Schedule a tailored benefits consultation with our experts.


Let's unlock the potential of your workforce together.

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